Thursday, September 3, 2015

Summer 2015 Results

Wildcat Summer 2015 Reading Awards

Congratulations to the following students who completed all eleven weeks of the Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  You have earned a field trip to Koser Park!

Grade 2

Aubrey D.
Avery B.
Caly H.
Gary C.
Gavin T.
Kylie C.
Loralye A.
Mohamed M.
Natalie Z.

Grade 3

Bahjo M.
Brian T.
Genesis B.
Hunter D.
Jacob B.
Lucas W.
Paige H.

Grade 4

Chloe M.
Kailee F.

Grade 5

Alycia Q.
Brielle B.
Drew H.
Gabi B.
Kelsea H.
Lucy S.
Naimo M.
Patricia K.
Tyler B.

Honorable Mention

The following students participated in one or more weeks of the Summer Reading Blog Challenge.

Grade 1: Osman M.

Grade 2: Abigail M., Emily B., Gary C., Ian B., Jaelyn R., Jonathan G., Zachary M.

Grade 3: Andrew M., BobbieJo H., Jack S., Joscie F., Mackinley G., Sophie N.

Grade 4: Aidan D., Abigail G., Cami W., Jai C., Jeramiah W., Jonah K., Luke S., Taylor G., Annabell R.

Grade 5: Alex R., Chloey F., Edana K., Jacob A., Lauren P., Mary S., Samuel S., Stella B.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 11 Challenge 2015


You have made it to Week Eleven, the final week, of our Summer 2015 Reading Blog Challenge!

Your teachers have been working hard to get your classrooms ready for the first day of school. They are so excited for you to arrive. They can't wait to discuss all the amazing books you've been reading this summer!

Mrs. Dragovich and I have been busy planning the Wildcat celebration for the Summer Reading Blog Challenge participants. We hope you have earned this reward.

It's Time To Write Your Final Blog Entry!

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details!

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book. Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Good News!  

If you missed commenting on one of the weekly blog posts, it's not too late to leave a comment. Simply click the link to the week you missed (located on the right-hand side bar) and type your comment. Comments will be accepted on all posts through August 23, 2015.

Hint: You may want to double check that you left a comment for each week, so that you qualify for the reward.  :)

Thanks for accepting the Summer Reading Blog Challenge!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 10 Challenge 2015

It's Week Ten of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  How is your reading going?

Did you answer our survey question yet? Which type of book do you enjoy reading more: fiction or nonfiction? Please vote for your favorite on the right-hand side bar.

Are you wondering what to read during the last two weeks of our challenge?  Our bloggers have some great book suggestions to share with you.

I am reading the book Transformers! It is soooooooooooo cool! 
Osman M. Grade 1

I read A to Z Mysteries: The Jaguar's Jewel. It is about three kids who go to New York City to visit one kid's uncle. The kids uncle works in a museum and they get a crate with a golden cup, a solid gold jaguar, and a fake emerald (because someone stole the real emerald). The story is about the kids trying to find the real emerald and who stole it. Read the book to find out what happens!
Natalie Z. Grade 2
I read the article "Giving Trees" from Time for Kids; it is about a girl who planted 25 trees around her playground. I learned that trees give us oxygen and help the air and water stay clean. I liked this article because I like plants and animals. 
Jacob B. Grade 3 
I read three articles from Time For Kids. My favorite article was "RoboKid" because a teenage boy had surgery and could not go to school. He sends a robot to school so he could still learn and would be able to complete his work.
Tyler B. Grade 5
I read the book Pegasus. It's about a girl named Emily. There's a big storm on earth in New York City.  Pegasus from Olympus is all hurt and crashes on Emily's roof. Emily, Pegasus, and Emily's new found friend Joel set off to find the Flame of Olympus who can save Olympus. Along the way a few more friends join their quest as they face the terrible C.R.U. (central research unit). In the end they find out Emily is the Flame of Olympus, but will Emily sacrifice her life for Olympus?
Brielle B. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book. Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Week 9 Challenge 2015

It's Week Nine of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  How is your reading going?

Did you answer our survey question yet? Which type of book do you enjoy reading more: fiction or nonfiction? Please vote for your favorite on the right-hand side bar.

Are you wondering what to read next? Read the recommendations that Emily, Jacob, Kailee, and Gabi wrote.

I am reading Ivy & Bean Doomed to Dance. Ivy and Bean are best friends and decide they want to go to dance class, but when they get to dance class they begin to think maybe it wasn't such a good idea. The girls decided they didn't really like dance class anymore, at the end of each class they have to pretend to be butterflies and Ivy and Bean didn't like pretending to be butterflies. Will they keep going?
Emily B. Grade 2
I am reading Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The Australian Boomerang Bonanza. Flat Stanley travels to Australia. Later Arthur goes surfing on his brother!  
Jacob B. Grade 3 
In Whatever After Bad Hair Day Abby and her brother go to Rapunzel's world and try to fix her hair to make it long again. Will they ever get Rapunzel's and get back to Jonah's and Abby's world?

Kailee F. Grade 4
I am reading a book called The Isle of the Lost it is about the children of evil villains from princess stories, for example Malificient's daughter and Jafar's son. The king sent all the evil villains and their children to the Isle of the Lost. I am really liking the book right now and I can't wait to see how the story continues and ends.

Gabi B. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book. Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 8 Challenge 2015

It's Week Eight of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  How is your reading going?

This week, we have a question for you to answer.  Which type of book do you enjoy reading more: fiction or nonfiction? Please vote for your favorite on the right-hand side bar.

If you are looking for book suggestions, check out what these bloggers have to say...
I am reading a book called Annie the Apple Pie Fairy.  It is about a fairy who loves cooking apple pies. She is a cook on a cooking show. Then another fairy showed up, and Annie the Apple Fairy thought she was trying to take her place. Do you think in the end the fairy will be able to take Annie's place? 
Avery B. Grade 2
I read Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot. In this book, a little boy named Ricky saw an evil scientist destroying a robot. When he saw that, he was at school. At recess he kicked a ball as hard as he could at the evil scientist's head. Then the boy and the robot became friends. The evil scientist made a mutant lizard. The robot fought the lizard and beat it. Then they put the evil scientist in jail. 
Lucas W. Grade 3 
I am reading the BFG by Roald Dahl.  It is a funny book about a giant that is funny and nice and helps a little girl. 
Chloe M. Grade 4 
In Lone Wolf, Foalan is in the Outermost, where there are few trees, lots of caves without bears, and wolves he doesn't know. He was hunting and wandered there and now he is lost. Foalan has found the Cave Before Time and finds cave drawings of stories about wolves, caribou, and owls. I am enjoying this book. 
Tyler B. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book. Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Week 7 Challenge 2015

It's Week Seven of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  How is your reading going?

If you are wondering what book to read next, check out what Aubrey, Paige, Chloe, and Lucy had to say about their books.

This week I am reading Magic Tree House #20: Dingoes at Dinnertime. Jack and Annie found a little joey (which is a baby kangaroo), and they wanted to find the joey's mommy. When Jack and Annie try to find his mommy, they discovered a wildfire. Then they went back to the spot they found the joey. They heard a slapping noise, and it was the mommy! We have three chapters to go yet!
Aubrey D. Grade 2
I am reading a Doc McStuffins: Bubble Trouble. It is about three friends who were playing with bubbles. A girl named Alma refills up the bubble maker. When they turn it on, the bubbles don't come out. My favorite thing about this book is that they can fix the bubble maker, because they show Alma what to use and what not to use.

Paige H. Grade 3 
I just finished the book Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery. It was AWESOME. In the book a family brought home a bunny that had glowing red eyes and fangs! There was a cat named Chester and Chester thought the bunny was a vampire. I would love to have a pet like Bunnicula!
Chloe M. Grade 4
I am reading The Last Hope, which is in the WARRIORS series. My favorite character is Firestar, because the other characters trust him. Firestar is also brave and strong. He won't do something he doesn't agree with. That is why he is my favorite character. 
Lucy S. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.  Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Week 6 Challenge 2015

It's Week Six of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge. How is your reading going?

If you are wondering what book to read next, here are a few suggestions from Gavin, Hunter, and Kailee, and Kelsea.

Check out this video about the rainforest!
I read Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Rain Forests. I learned about plants and animals that live in rain forests. There are very big plants in the rain forest, and some are even bigger than bicycle tires! There are animals in the rain forests that haven't even been discovered or named yet! Rain forests are being destroyed by people and animals are becoming endangered. Rain forests give us a bunch of stuff that help us live and stay alive like food, medicine, and clean air. 
In Magic Tree House: Afternoon in the Amazon, Jack and Annie go to the rain forest in the present day, but if the rain forests become extinct the author will have to change the book so Jack and Annie have to go back in time to see the rain forest. The most important thing I learned from these books is that we need to protect and save our rain forests!

Gavin T. Grade 2
Here Comes the Strikeout by Leonard Kessler
I am reading Here Comes the Strikeout. In the book Bobby strikes out and his friend helps him out by teaching him how to hit the ball.
Hunter D. Grade 3
Owl Diaries: Eva's Treetop Festival by Rebecca Elliott
In Owl Diaries: Eva's Treetop Festival Eva wanted to put together a festival but she needs to ask for help from her friends. Asking for help is something that she does not like to do. Will Eva get help so she can put on the Festival? I really like the book because it teaches you that there's nothing wrong about asking for help.  
Kailee F. Grade 4 
Starring Jules (As Herself) by Beth Ain
So far in Starring Jules, the movie that Jules is in got postponed and they have to wait to start filming the movie. The movie was postponed because the main lead got something in his eye. 
Kelsea H. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.  Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 5 Challenge 2015

It's Week Five of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge. How is your reading going?

If you are wondering what book to read next, here are a few suggestions from Ian, Paige, and Alycia.

The Official Ninja Turtle Handbook by Golden Books
This week I've been reading The Official Ninja Turtle Handbook. It told me everything about all of the characters in the episodes of Turtles that I like to watch. It also told me about the monsters the turtles try to defeat. 
Ian B. Grade 2 
Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer by Megan McDonald
I am currently reading Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer. Judy Moody thinks she is going to have the best summer ever. In the beginning of the story Judy had news from her mom. Her mom said that her aunt Opal was coming over to watch her while they go to California. Next in the story, aunt Opal came and gave Stink (Judy's brother) and Judy a present. Stink got a book on how to catch Big Foot and Judy got a mood ring. That is what happened so far in my book. I'll tell you more about it next week! 
Paige H. Grade 3 
Best Friends Forever by Amy Shields
I am starting to read Best Friends Forever it is about different true stories about friendships of animals. In chapter one, an orangutang named Suryia and a dog named Roscoe meet by a stream where Suryia and an elephant named Bubbles are walking down a stream with their trainer Moksha Bybee. They spot Roscoe lonely cold and hungry. 
Alycia Q. Grade 5 

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.
Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Week 4 Challenge 2015

It's Week Four of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge. How is your reading going?

If you are wondering what book to read next, here are a few suggestions from Natalie, Jacob, Aidan, and Gabi.
How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse by Cressida Cowell 
I read the book How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse by Cressida Cowell. It was about a boy named Hiccup who set out on a quest to find a frozen potato. All the Viking tribes called it the vegetable that no one dares to name. Hiccup's friend, Camicazi, went on the quest also. I liked this book because it is about dragons and Vikings who work together and don't fight each other. I like books that are adventures and have quests. ~Natalie Z Grade 2
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
I am reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School  by Louis Sachar.  It all starts when Mrs.Gorf, their teacher, turns a dozen kids into apples in one day.  And then the next day turns the other dozen of kids into apples.  With a wiggle of her ears, a point of her finger, and sticking out her tongue, she turns them into apples!  ~Jacob B. Grade 3 
Pokemon Wrath of Legends by Simcha Whitehill
I read Pokémon Wrath of The Legends. In this story, Ash, Iris, and Cilan go to Milos Island to get some revival herbs so Ash could battle a gym leader named Clay, but he couldn't because all of the revival herbs were dried out.  I like this book because it is cool and interesting. ~Aidan D. Grade 4
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabestein
I am reading a book this week called Escape from Mr.Lemoncello's Library. So far the book is about kids who have to write an essay, so they get to go to the grand opening of the library. Only 12 of the kids get to be picked though.  Will Kyle Keeley get picked?  ~Gabi B. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week? In the comment section below, tell us about your book. Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab. Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details! We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.
Example: Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 3 Challenge 2015

It's Week Three of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  How is your reading going?

Take a peek at what our bloggers have been reading this week.
Junie B. Jones: Shipwrecked by Barbara Park
I am reading Junie B. Jones: Shipwrecked and I am on page 24. I like reading Junie's journal at the beginning of each chapter. A lady named Mrs. Weller came to the class to talk about germs. She wrote the word virus on the board. The class is worried about Roger because he didn't come back from the nurse.
~Caly H. Grade 2
Jurassic World: Dinosaur Field Guide
by Thomas Holtz and Michael Brett-Surman
I'm reading Jurassic World. It's about dinosaurs from the movie. It gives you information about the dinosaurs like how they hunted and how big they were.
~Andrew M. Grade 3
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
I am reading Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone. Harry finds out that he is a wizard. He gets accepted at Hogwarts. On the train to Hogwarts, he makes a new friend named Ron.
~Jeramiah W. Grade 4
How to Speak Dolphin by Ginny Roby
I am reading a book called How to Speak Dolphin. It is about a boy who has autism and loves dolphins. His mom died, and he lives with his older sister and stepdad. I haven't finished the book yet, but I think the reason he loves dolphins is because his mom used to read him a book about dolphins.
~Patricia K. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week?  In the comment section below, tell us about your book.  Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab.  Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details!  We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.    
Example:  Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you. 

Happy blogging!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Week 2 Challenge 2015

It's Week Two of our Summer Reading Blog Challenge.  How is your reading going?  Quite a few of our bloggers answered that question last week.

If you are wondering what book to read next, here are a few suggestions from Avery, Jonah, Brian, and Chloey.

Dolphin School: Pearl's Ocean Magic by Catherine Hepka
I am reading a book called Dolphin School: Pearl's Ocean Magic. It's about a dolphin who doesn't think she can fit in at her new school.  Luckily one of her friends is there to help her.   ~Avery B. Grade 2
Magic Tree House: Earthquake in the Early Morning by Mary Pope Osborne
I'm reading Magic Tree House: Earthquake in the Early Morning. One of the things Jack and Annie do is help a man load books into a wagon so they don't burn.  ~Brian T. Grade 3
Adventurers Wanted: Albrek's Tomb by M.L. Forman
I'm reading Adventurers Wanted: Albreks Tomb. I'm on page 357 of 491.  I love it because there are mythical creatures and magic. The main character, Alex, goes on adventures with his friends!!!  ~Jonah K. Grade 4
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Well by Chris Colfer
I just started to read Land of Stories. The beginning is great! They entered the Land of Stories and they're trying to collect items from each story in order to get out. There are stories like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and more. I can't wait to finish this book!  ~Chloey F. Grade 5

Tell Us What You're Reading

What are you reading this week?  In the comment section below, tell us about your book.  Write a short summary or choose from the questions provided under the "Getting Started" tab.  Strive for a paragraph in length. Give details!  We may feature your post next week.

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.    
Example:  Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then, read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Finally, check back on the comment you wrote last week and see if you anyone has replied to you.

Happy blogging!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 1 Challenge 2015

Hip Hip Hooray!  Summer vacation is officially underway...and so is our Summer Reading Blog Challenge!

What are you reading this week?  In the comment section below, tell us about your book.  

Be sure to include your first name, the first initial of your last name, the grade you will enter in the fall, and title of your book.    
Example:  Fern Z. Grade 3 Charlotte's Web

Then read the comments that your friends post and reply to at least one of them.

Happy blogging!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Welcome Wildcats to the Summer of 2015!

Let's Get Started

Elmwood Elementary School has a summer reading challenge for you! Summer vacation is right around the corner.  Before you know it, you'll be enjoying the carefree, sunny days of summer.  Have you thought about your summer reading?  Is there a book you are anxious to start?  Now is the time to start thinking about your "bucket list" of summer reading.

Summer Reading Challenge

1.  Make a list of books you want to read.
2.  Visit the library or book store and select your books.
3.  Set aside time to read a little bit every day this summer.
4.  Visit Where the Wildcats Read, the blog, once each week and tell us about the book you are reading.
5.  Read the comments your friends post about their books and reply to at least one person each week.

The Reward

Students who respond at least once each week during the summer will be invited to join us for a summer reading celebration when we return to school in the fall.  More importantly, you will get to experience the joy of reading books and sharing them with your friends.

Summer Reading Bucket List

In the comments below, make a list of books you would like to read this summer.  Be sure to include your first name, last initial, and the grade you will be entering in the fall, so you can earn credit for your response.  For example, if your name is Fern Zuckerman and you are going to be in third grade next year you would write Fern Z. Grade 3.

What books are on your summer reading "bucket list"? Answer in the comments below.

Happy Reading!